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  • Categories: Corals
  • Categories: Glass Domes and Vitrines
  • Categories: Shells and Marine Animals
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Papilio ulysses dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Wood glass dome with two Papilio ulysses from Ceram - Moluccan Island, a superb exclusive species with bright contrast of black and deep blue.

Papilio ulysses - popularly named as Ulysses Butterfly, Blue Mountain Swallowtail, Mountain Blue or Blue Emperor - it is a butterfly of the Papilionidae family and Papilioninae subfamily, found in the Australian biogeographic region and native to the Wallacea area and the island of Nova Guinea, Bismarck archipelago and Northern Australia.

Acropora florida - Branch coral

Availability: 1 In Stock

Acropora Florida Coral in a back granite base, from Solomon Islands.

It is found only up to 30 meter deep and like all corals it is a protected species, supplied with CITES.

One of the most beautiful corals, an amazing unique decor piece!

Elisella sp. - Broome Sea fan

Availability: 1 In Stock

This Elisella specimen in a red flame form is a rare species of gorgonian from Leptogorgia family, found in the coast of Broome, Northwestern Australia. 

Gorgons, like corals, are animals living in the form of sessile colonial polyps, organized in a tree structure. The general structure, a skeleton both flexible and hard, called gorgonin does not grow towards the sun - it does not require light to develop -, but perpendicular to the current, to filter a maximum of water flow.

These are beautiful colored specimens! 

Sponge species

Availability: 1 In Stock

Sponge species from Madagascar reefs, mounted in a white lacquered wood base.

Sponges are beautiful decor items, due to its different shapes and colours.

Turbinaria Reniformis Coral

Availability: 1 In Stock

"Cup coral" Turbinaria reniformis, its skeleton forms large and horizontal white waves curled around the edges, in a conic shape.

When alive, the polyps color has a beautiful multitude of shades ranging from yellow to green.

Mounted in a high quality handmade brass base, from Solomon island.

Supplied with CITES certificate.

One of a Kind piece that makes the difference in a decor ambience.

Neptun Cap coral - Halomitra pileus

Availability: 1 In Stock

A superb specimen of Halomitra pileus, from Solomon island.

These corals are not attached to the rocks or other corals, they live free on the bottom, and usually in the shape of a helmet, but also sometimes with a flattened round shape.

Mounted in a beautiful handmade brass base, it is a high decorative piece! 

Supplied with CITES certificate.

Marine composition

Availability: 1 In Stock

Beautiful marine composition, looking like big mushrooms, made with shark vertebrae, from Madagascar and Scottish sea urchins, from North sea in a black lacquered wood base.

Papilio machaon dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Papilio machaon - Old World Swallowtail butterfly, from Italy, in a glass dome.

The most elusive butterfly from Europe, ten specimen mounted in a handmade Redwood branch.

Beautiful One of a Kind piece.

Marine composition

Availability: 1 In Stock

Beautiful marine composition, looking like big mushrooms, made with shark vertebrae and white knobbed sea urchins, all from Madagascar in a natural walnut wood base.

Papilio rumanzowia dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Papilio rumanzowia, the Red Mormon, is a butterfly of the family Papilionidae.

This fabulous dome have two pairs of male and female specimen, superb color and quality, mounted in handmade glass dome with a grey lacquered wood base.

These specimen came from Philippines.

Coral Turbinaria reniformis

Availability: 1 In Stock

"Cup coral" Turbinaria reniformis, its skeleton forms large and horizontal white waves curled around the edges, in a conic shape.

When alive, the polyps color has a beautiful multitude of shades ranging from yellow to green.

Mounted in a high quality handmade brass base, from Solomon island.

Supplied with CITES certificate.

One of a Kind piece that makes the difference in a decor ambience.

Heliconius doris dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Heliconius doris - Doris Longwing, beautiful butterflies belonging to Nymphalidae family, from Peru.

Mounted in a Redmoor wood branch in a glass vitrine with white wood base.

Papilio memnon, Papilio romanzovia and Cymothoe...

Availability: 1 In Stock

Papilio memnon, Papilio romanzovia and Cymothoe sangaris glass dome.

Two Papilio memnon from Thailand, two Papilio rumanzovia from Philippines and six Cymothoe sangaris from Congo.

An exceptional One of a kind decor piece, contrasting the butterfly colors with the white lacquered wood base from the handmade dome. 

Pair of Hexaplex cichoreus

Availability: 1 In Stock

Superb pair of Hexaplex cichoreus from Balicasag, Philippines.

This intricated species is very variable in pattern and color, along the years we have had exceptional pieces, these ones are of great beauty.

Mounted in a black lacquered wood base.

Pair of Hexaplex cichoreus

Availability: 1 In Stock

Superb pair of Hexaplex cichoreus from Balicasag, Philippines.

This intricated species is very variable in pattern and color, along the years we have had exceptional pieces, these ones are of great beauty.

Mounted in a black lacquered wood base.

Spondylus visayensis

Availability: 1 In Stock

An exceptional Spondylus visayensis in a glass dome.

This is a Museum class specimen with 130mm diameter, taken twenty-five years ago by the late E. Guillot de Suduiraut and in our collection since that.

A rare masterpiece of nature. 

Bunaea aslauga couple dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Bunaea aslauga couple in a glass dome. The Madagascar emperor moth, is an African moth belonging to the family Saturniidae.

The male differ from the female (on the back) in size and completely different antlers. 

Lamprotera curius dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

The white Dragontail butterfly, characterized by its exquisite form and delicate transparent wings. Native to the vast expanse from India to Southeast Asia, this particular specimen hails from the enchanting landscapes of Thailand.

Elevate your creative spirit with these stunning ethically sourced butterflies. Committed to responsible practices, we procure all our insects from reputable rearing projects and employ ethical collecting methods that actively contribute to the preservation of native habitats. This, in turn, not only supports the delicate ecosystems but also provides sustainable income to rural villages, offering a meaningful alternative to slash-and-burn agriculture. 

Morpho didius dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Glass dome with four Morpho didius butterflies from Peru, one of the most iconic butterfly.

With the intense metallic blue color, the giant blue Morpho, is a Neotropical butterfly belonging to the subfamily Morphinae of family Nymphalidae.

One of a kind piece!

Spondylus variegatus attached to a Malleus...

Availability: 1 In Stock

A spectacular Spondylus variegatus attached in a Malleus malleus shell from Davao - Philippines, in a white lacquered wood pedestal.

The Spondylus is a marine bivalve from the Spondilidae family, perfectly preserved. The Malleus malleus shell a marine bivalve mollusk in the family Malleidae, it is also known as the black hammer oyster.

This is a uncommon attachment that came out by divers from time to time.

The two shells live in perfect symbiosis. 

Goliathus orientalis dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Goliathus orientalis, flawlessly preserved within a glass dome. This majestic beetle showcases perfection in every detail. Adorned in a predominantly white hue, the Goliathus features a captivating and intricate pattern, boasting a complex array of white spots enveloped by a striking black border.

These magnificent creatures exclusively inhabit sandy landscapes adorned with thick trees, creating a unique harmony with their surroundings. Our curated specimens originate from a breeding program in the biodiverse Democratic Republic of the Congo, where careful attention to their natural habitat ensures the authenticity and integrity of these remarkable specimens. 

Sponge species

Availability: 1 In Stock

Sponge species from Madagascar reefs, mounted in a Tecula wood base.

Sponges are beautiful decor items, due to its different shapes and colours.

Morpho achilles, cisseis and peleides Glass dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

A superb Glass Dome showcasing Morpho achilles, cisseis, and peleides butterflies. This beautiful composition features magnificent blue and black Morpho butterflies, including four Morpho achilles from Peru, one Morpho cisseis from Peru, and one Morpho peleides from Colombia. A truly one-of-a-kind piece.

Festilyria festiva

Availability: 1 In Stock

Festilyria festiva from Somalia. A classic rarity, for the serious collector of for decoration as its a very colorful shell, mounted in a black lacquered wood base.

Cerambycidae Beetles dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Showcasing two exquisite Cerambycidae beetle species from Thailand, this display captures the beauty and rarity of Pavieia superba and Xystrocera festiva. Pavieia superba is distinguished by its striking red bands, with the male featuring long, impressive horns, while the female has shorter ones. Similarly, Xystrocera festiva displays the same sexual dimorphism, with the male possessing extended horns compared to the female. These beetles are rarely seen in such exceptional quality, making this piece a true collector’s item and a fascinating addition to any entomology display.

Hypochrycops polyctelus dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

This exquisite display features the rare and vibrant Hypochrycops polyctelus butterfly, known for its striking blue coloration found in males. Native to the habitats of Papua New Guinea, this uncommon species captivates with its iridescent beauty.

Mounted in a natural Redmoor wood branch and enclosed within a delicate glass dome. Perfect as a unique decor item, it adds a touch of sophistication and wonder to any space.

Pinna nobilis

Availability: 1 In Stock

An exceptional specimen of pinna nobilis, from Greece, in a handmade brass base.

The specimen came from a old collection, today is impossible to get this size specimen. 

One of a Kind decor piece!

Heterometrus laoticus - Forest Scorpion

Availability: 1 In Stock

Heterometrus laoticus - Vietnam Forest Scorpion is a scorpion species found in peaty areas of Vietnam and Laos. They can reach lengths of up to 17 cm. They are a communal species, but cannibalism has been known to occur, and if caught, they can be extremely violent even towards their own kind.

Rather than being a lethal toxin, the giant scorpion's venom is paralytic. The venom is distilled into medicines against various kinds of microorganisms. It exhibits good results in disc diffusion assay for Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus, among others.

The scorpion is farmed for consumption as a novelty food in Vietnam and Thailand. They are also used to make snake wine (scorpion wine).

This one is from a farm in thailand, mounted in a glass dome.

Spondylus giant dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

A giant size glass dome with a selection of nine superb Spondylus.

One Spondylus regius from Philippines, three Spondylus americanus from Brazil, one Spondylus gloriosus visayensis from Philippines, one Spondylus aurantius from Philippines, one Spondylus varius from Philippines and two Spondylus ictericus from Brazil.

Unique One of a Kind decor piece!

Heteropterix dilatata vitrine

Availability: 1 In Stock

This exceptional specimen of Heteropteryx dilatata, commonly known as the Jungle Nymph, Malaysian Stick Insect, or Malayan Wood Nymph, is elegantly displayed in a glass vitrine. Originating from the Malay Archipelago, specifically the Malay Peninsula and Borneo, this species is a marvel of nature's diversity.

Heteropteryx dilatata is the only described species in the Heteropterygidae family, giving its name to this unique group of insects. Renowned for its impressive size, it is a favorite among insect enthusiasts and frequently kept in zoological institutions and private terrariums.

This nocturnal creature is not only a testament to the biodiversity of the tropics but also a striking centerpiece for any collection.

Spondylus echinatus

Availability: 1 In Stock

Spondylus usually attach themselves to rocks, corals, anything from time to time we found some surprising attachments, here we have a beautiful Sopndylus echinatus, from Philippines, attached in a black gorgonia trunk, making this piece very special.

Mounted in an acrylic base.

Xenophora pallidula with glass sponge

Availability: 1 In Stock

Xenophora pallidula with glass sponge attachments in glass vitrine.

This particular species sometimes can be found with some spectacular attachments, in this case a big size glass sponge among many other deep water shells.

This specimen was found in Punta Engano - Philippines in 1993 from the late Emmanuel G. de Suduiraut.

Marine Life dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Marine Life glass dome with a Yellow hardhead sponge from Florida - USA, a big Scottish Sea urchin from North Sea - UK, Metalia sternalis from Mactan Islands - Philippines, Bolma girgyllus from Palawan Islands. - Philippines and Pocillopora eydouxi from Solomon Islands.

Beautiful colorful decor piece.

Gorgonocephalus - Astrospartus mediterraneus...

Availability: 1 In Stock

Nine Gorgonocephalus specimen showing several variations displayed in a glass vitrine with black lacquered wooden base.

Gorgonocephalus - Astrospartus mediterraneus is a fantastic deep sea starfish.

These ones have been taken from a deep of 90 meters of Capo Vado, Savona Italy. It is necessary a special technique to dry and to keep it in a perfect shape, turning it a highly decorative and curious species. Sometimes they are attached to sponges and deep water corals.

This species habits until deeps of 800-900 meters. 

An outstanding unique dramatic piece, handmade by One of a Kind.

Gorgonocephalus design vitrine

Availability: 1 In Stock

Gorgonocephalus - Astrospartus mediterraneus, a fantastic deep sea starfish, in a new design vitrine with grey lacquered wood base.

This one is taken from a deep of 90 meters of Capo Vado, Savona Italy. It is necessary a special technique to dry and to keep it in a perfect shape, turning it a highly decorative and curious species. Sometimes they are attached to sponges and deep water corals.

This species habits until deeps of 800-900 meters.

A One of a Kind handmade piece.

Marine life design vitrine

Availability: 1 In Stock

Marine life in an open vitrine with green lacquered wood, comprising six specimen of Biplex perca big size, from South China Sea and four Guildfordia triumphans also from South China Sea on two beautiful Orange Gorgonia from Philippines.

A One of a Kind handmade piece.

Giant Syrinx in brass base

Availability: 1 In Stock

Syrinx aruanus is the biggest living Gastropod in the world, usually with many scars when it gets bigger.

That makes it very special and rare, with a great quality (F+/ F++),

This one comes from North Western Australia.

Outstanding decor piece in a handmade brass base. 

Melo amphora

Availability: 1 In Stock

Giant Baler - Melo amphora (Lightfoot, 1786) from Australia, in a black lacquered wood base.

Outstanding specimen, with great quality (F+/ F++), hard to find in this size!

Marine life dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

A colorful marine glass dome displaying an Acropora humilis coral, two Sugar Sea stars, two Alphonso Sea urchins, one purple sea urchin, two white knobbed urchins and two Mithrodia clavigera. 

Beautiful decor piece for sea lovers! 

Tridacna gigas

Availability: 1 In Stock

Tridacna gigas (Linnaeus, 1758)

Beautiful and very perfect resin replica in big size of this elusive piece protected nowadays.

It can be used as a decor piece, ice bucket or just for display!

Pair of iconic Cypraea aurantium

Availability: 1 In Stock

Cypraea aurantium a classic and iconic shells, very much sough after in the XVII to the middle of the XX century, fetched very high prices, in the 70" was discovered in big numbers in Philippines, still a very desirable collector item for is beauty is now very affordable.

A opportunity to get a beautiful pair from Mactan Isl. - Philippines. Mounted in white lacquered wood bases.

White Marine dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

A great decor item, displaying 18 white specimens of coral, shells, urchins and other exotic marine animals in a big glass dome.

Supplied with full data of all specimen.

A One of a Kind piece!

Pair of Ovula ovum

Availability: 1 In Stock

Pair of Ovula ovum in white lacquered wood base.

A beautiful pure white pair of Ovula ovum dived in Punta Engaño - Philippines. This shell species is from centuries ago as special and many tribes use them as personal adornments.

Marine life dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

A beautiful glass dome with small Gorgonia from de Indo-Pacific, 3 corals Montipora sp., 6 Conus betulinus and 3 Conus figulinus all from Philippines.

Combined shapes and colours make this glass dome a beautiful decor piece.

Sea bisquit dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Sea biscuit glass dome - Clypeaster sp.

A big perfect and beautiful piece for a shelf decoration. These urchins are very delicate and very nice.

This one came from Florida - USA.

Argonauta hians dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Argonauta hians glass dome with three specimen, from South China Sea.

This small species known as Brown Paper Nautilus habits all tropical and sub tropical seas of the world.

Haliotis table tray

Availability: 1 In Stock

Table tray made with four Haliotis rufescens, mounted shamrock-shaped in a handmade brass base with Victorian look.

A unique piece to use in a luxury table ideal for dried fruit or chocolate and sweets.

The Haliotis came from California coast  - USA.

White Sea Shells dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

White deep sea marine shells glass dome with beautiful species:

Argonauta argo

Fusinus colus

Xenophora pallidula

Siratus alabaster

Corculum cardissa (2)

Trisidus torquatus

Chama lazarus

Sand dollar urchin (2) 

Sea biscuit urchin. 

Great natural decor piece! 

Acesta philippinarum

Availability: 1 In Stock

The two valves of a giant Acesta philippinarum, very rare, perfect condition in a pair of black lacquered wood pedestals.

These came from deep water, in tangle nets - from Balicasag island, Philippines.

Ctenocella Pectinata - Sea fan

Availability: 1 In Stock

Ctenocella Pectinata, a captivating marine treasure native to the Indian Ocean specifically found off the shores of Broome, Northwestern Australia, exhibits an enchanting resemblance to the graceful lyre, a musical instrument. As a natural gorgonian organism, its mesmerizing form embodies the elegance of this ancient instrument.

Gorgonians, akin to corals, are fascinating creatures that thrive as sessile colonial polyps, intricately woven into a tree-like configuration. Their architectural masterpiece, a resilient yet pliable skeleton known as gorgonin, defies conventional growth patterns as it extends perpendicular to the prevailing currents. This unique orientation enables Ctenocella Pectinata to maximize its interaction with water flow, effortlessly filtering and harnessing vital nutrients without the need for sunlight-induced development. 

Pleurotomaria hirasei dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Glass dome with five Pleurotomaria hirasei.

This deep water shell was a huge rarity 20 years ago and much sought after by collectors!

Recently have been found in big quantities in South China Sea. A classic and a beautiful shell!

Polished Haliotis cracherodi, midae and rubra.

Availability: 1 In Stock

A unique big glass vitrine with a massive black lacquered wood base. Displaying an exceptional selection of three Haliotis cracherodi polished, showing its colors and patterns, from Baja California - USA,  three Haliotis midae polished with the usual bronze colors and dramatic pattern, from R.S.A. and two Haliotis rubra with great mother-of-pearl shinning from South Australia.

Handmade One of a Kind piece!

Marine life dome

Availability: 1 In Stock

Marine life glass dome composed by: small Gorgonia from de Indo-Pacific, one coral Montipora sp., two Fusinus colus, one Fusinus undatus from Balicasag - Philippines, three Mitra mitra from Punta Engaño - Philippines and one beautiful Xenophora pallidula from deep water of Davao - Philippines.

Also three white sea stars and one sea bisquit all from Caribbean Sea.

One of a Kind handmade piece!

Festilyria festiva

Availability: 1 In Stock

A big size perfect Festilyria festiva from Somalia.

A classic rarity, very hard to get in this size and condition, for the serious collector or for decor beautiful shell.