Marine composition
Beautiful marine composition, looking like big mushrooms, made with shark vertebrae and white knobbed sea urchins, all from Madagascar in a natural walnut wood base.
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Reference: N1643
Brown Tube Sponge (Agelas conífera) in a black lacquered wood base. Resembling the graceful form of organ pipes, this distinctive sponge displays a beautiful palette ranging from brown to tan, with hints of greyish tones. Its upper "tubes" feature a captivating spiny texture, adding to its allure. Originally found in the Caribbean, Bahamas, and occasionally spotted in Florida, this sponge species forms colonies that can grow impressively large, surpassing one meter in size. Unveil the splendor of this stunning and truly unique decorative piece, sourced directly from Florida, USA.
Dimensions: 30,5 cm x 42 cm x 30 cm // Base: 30 cm x 15 cm x 3 cm
Weight: 1,177 Kg
Brown Tube Sponge (Agelas conífera) in a black lacquered wood base. Resembling the graceful form of organ pipes, this distinctive sponge displays a beautiful palette ranging from brown to tan, with hints of greyish tones. Its upper "tubes" feature a captivating spiny texture, adding to its allure. Originally found in the Caribbean, Bahamas, and occasionally spotted in Florida, this sponge species forms colonies that can grow impressively large, surpassing one meter in size. Unveil the splendor of this stunning and truly unique decorative piece, sourced directly from Florida, USA.
Beautiful marine composition, looking like big mushrooms, made with shark vertebrae and white knobbed sea urchins, all from Madagascar in a natural walnut wood base.
Lambis chiragra - Spider shells, from Palawan Isl. Philippines, in dark brass base.
It's a species of very large sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Strombidae, the true conchs. The shell length for this species varies between 85 mm and 320 mm, usually to 170 mm. They have a very thick, robust and heavy shell, with a distinct anterior notch.
Its most prominent characteristic are the six long and curved marginal digitations, expanded from the flaring, thick outer lip and canals. The columella and aperture are lyrate. Female individuals are usually much larger than the male ones.
Marine Life glass dome with a Yellow hardhead sponge from Florida - USA, a big Scottish Sea urchin from North Sea - UK, Metalia sternalis from Mactan Islands - Philippines, Bolma girgyllus from Palawan Islands. - Philippines and Pocillopora eydouxi from Solomon Islands.
Beautiful colorful decor piece.
Giant Barrel Sponge (Xestospongia testudinaria) is a giant species of sponge found in the Indo-Pacific coral reefs. It commonly occurs at depths ranging from over 10 meters to 120 meters and can grow up to a diameter of 1.8 meters. The sponge typically exhibits a brownish-red to brownish-gray coloration, with a hard or stony texture. Due to its impressive size and estimated lifespan of hundreds to possibly thousands of years, the giant barrel sponge has earned the nickname "redwood of the reef." It displays a variable form, often appearing as a large, firm, barrel-shaped structure with a cone-shaped cavity at the top called the osculum. These sponges make beautiful decorative pieces. The specimen in question originates from Luzon, Philippines.
Argonauta hians glass dome with three specimen, from South China Sea.
This small species known as Brown Paper Nautilus habits all tropical and sub tropical seas of the world.
A beautiful glass dome with small Gorgonia from de Indo-Pacific, 3 corals Montipora sp., 6 Conus betulinus and 3 Conus figulinus all from Philippines.
Combined shapes and colours make this glass dome a beautiful decor piece.
Superb pair of Hexaplex cichoreus from Balicasag, Philippines.
This intricated species is very variable in pattern and color, along the years we have had exceptional pieces, these ones are of great beauty.
Mounted in a black lacquered wood base.
Glass dome with five Pleurotomaria hirasei.
This deep water shell was a huge rarity 20 years ago and much sought after by collectors!
Recently have been found in big quantities in South China Sea. A classic and a beautiful shell!
Small size specimen polished showing all the mother-of-pearl of the Nautilus pompilius, from Philippines.
Mounted in a handmade brass base, it's a unique One of a Kind decor piece.
Supplied with Cites certificate.
A huge size, close to 140mm Hexaplex regius from Mexico, showing its beautiful aperture with no defects.
Mounted in a black lacquered wood base.
A beautiful Shell ball made with Cerithiidae shells, from Indonesia.
These balls are part of the Indo-Pacific cultural heritage, and from a long time tribal people use them as adornment pieces. Today they are natural and beautiful decor pieces.
Giant Barrel Sponge (Xestospongia testudinaria) is a giant species of sponge found in the Indo-Pacific coral reefs. It commonly occurs at depths ranging from over 10 meters to 120 meters and can grow up to a diameter of 1.8 meters. The sponge typically exhibits a brownish-red to brownish-gray coloration, with a hard or stony texture. Due to its impressive size and estimated lifespan of hundreds to possibly thousands of years, the giant barrel sponge has earned the nickname "redwood of the reef." It displays a variable form, often appearing as a large, firm, barrel-shaped structure with a cone-shaped cavity at the top called the osculum. These sponges make beautiful decorative pieces. The specimen in question originates from Luzon, Philippines.
Marine life glass dome composed by: small Gorgonia from de Indo-Pacific, one coral Montipora sp., two Fusinus colus, one Fusinus undatus from Balicasag - Philippines, three Mitra mitra from Punta Engaño - Philippines and one beautiful Xenophora pallidula from deep water of Davao - Philippines.
Also three white sea stars and one sea bisquit all from Caribbean Sea.
One of a Kind handmade piece!
A beautiful Shell ball made with Umbonium vestiarium shells, from Indonesia.
These balls are part of the Indo-Pacific cultural heritage, and from a long time tribal people use them as adornment pieces. Today they are natural and beautiful decor pieces.
Marine life in an open vitrine with green lacquered wood, comprising six specimen of Biplex perca big size, from South China Sea and four Guildfordia triumphans also from South China Sea on two beautiful Orange Gorgonia from Philippines.
A One of a Kind handmade piece.
White sea fan Gorgonia from Celebes Island, Moluccas.
This specimen belongs to Gorgonacea family. Like corals, gorgonians are animals living in sessile colonial polyps organized in a tree shape. Its structure is a skeleton both soft and hard, called gorgonine and they do not grow in the direction of the sun but perpendicular to the current in order to filter a maximum of waterflow.
Displayed in a dark handmade brass base, turned into an excellent decór item for sea lovers!