Marine life dome
A colorful marine glass dome displaying an Acropora humilis coral, two Sugar Sea stars, two Alphonso Sea urchins, one purple sea urchin, two white knobbed urchins and two Mithrodia clavigera.
Beautiful decor piece for sea lovers!
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Reference: N841
Syrinx aruanius - Australian Trumpet shell in a dark brass base.
It's a species of extremely large sea snail measuring up to 91 cm long and weighing up to 18 kg. Shells over 50 cm are now impossible to obtain, specially in good condition. It is a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Turbinellidae, and is the only species in the genus Syrinx.
Dimensions: 45 cm x 18 cm // Base: 15 cm diameter
Weight: 1,5 Kg
Syrinx aruanius - Australian Trumpet shell in a dark brass base.
It's a species of extremely large sea snail measuring up to 91 cm long and weighing up to 18 kg. Shells over 50 cm are now impossible to obtain, specially in good condition. It is a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Turbinellidae, and is the only species in the genus Syrinx.
A colorful marine glass dome displaying an Acropora humilis coral, two Sugar Sea stars, two Alphonso Sea urchins, one purple sea urchin, two white knobbed urchins and two Mithrodia clavigera.
Beautiful decor piece for sea lovers!
The Crown-of-Thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) is a large and striking starfish known for its unique feeding habits and its role in coral reef ecosystems. It preys on hard, stony coral polyps and derives its name from the venomous, thorn-like spines that cover its upper surface, resembling the biblical crown of thorns. As one of the largest starfish species in the world, it boasts a wide Indo-Pacific distribution. While it is most commonly found around Australia, it also inhabits tropical and subtropical waters, from the Red Sea and the East African coast across the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, reaching as far as the west coast of Central America. Wherever coral reefs or hard coral communities thrive, this species can often be found.
The adult Crown-of-Thorns is a corallivorous predator, primarily feeding on reef coral polyps, encrusting sessile invertebrates, and even dead organic material. It uses its numerous tube feet, located in distinct ambulacral grooves on its underside, to climb over coral colonies. With its flexible body, it closely conforms to the coral's surface, including the intricate structures of branching corals. To feed, it extrudes its stomach through its mouth, spreading it over the coral's surface to a diameter matching its own. The stomach secretes digestive enzymes that break down the coral tissue, allowing the starfish to absorb the liquefied nutrients. Remarkably, a single Crown-of-Thorns starfish can consume up to six square meters of living coral reef in a year.
Sponge species from Madagascar reefs, mounted in a Tecula wood base.
Sponges are beautiful decor items, due to its different shapes and colours.
A great Charonia variegata from Brazil, big size, perfect pattern, seldom seen like this.
Displayed in a natural brown wood base.
Fantastic Spondylus croceus attached naturally in a dead coral base, from Olango Island, Cebu - Philippines.
Displayed in black granite socket.
A beautiful Shell ball made with Umbonium vestiarium shells, from Indonesia.
These balls are part of the Indo-Pacific cultural heritage, and from a long time tribal people use them as adornment pieces. Today they are natural and beautiful decor pieces.
Syrinx aruanus is the biggest living Gastropod in the world, usually with many scars when it gets bigger.
That makes it very special and rare, with a great quality (F+/ F++),
This one comes from North Western Australia.
Outstanding decor piece in a handmade brass base.
Marine life glass dome composed by: small Gorgonia from de Indo-Pacific, one coral Montipora sp., two Fusinus colus, one Fusinus undatus from Balicasag - Philippines, three Mitra mitra from Punta Engaño - Philippines and one beautiful Xenophora pallidula from deep water of Davao - Philippines.
Also three white sea stars and one sea bisquit all from Caribbean Sea.
One of a Kind handmade piece!
A beautiful Shell ball made with Umbonium vestiarium shells, from Indonesia.
These balls are part of the Indo-Pacific cultural heritage, and from a long time tribal people use them as adornment pieces. Today they are natural and beautiful decor pieces.
Lambis chiragra - Spider shells, from Palawan Isl. Philippines, in dark brass base.
It's a species of very large sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Strombidae, the true conchs. The shell length for this species varies between 85 mm and 320 mm, usually to 170 mm. They have a very thick, robust and heavy shell, with a distinct anterior notch.
Its most prominent characteristic are the six long and curved marginal digitations, expanded from the flaring, thick outer lip and canals. The columella and aperture are lyrate. Female individuals are usually much larger than the male ones.
Beautiful marine composition, looking like big mushrooms, made with shark vertebrae, from Madagascar and Scottish sea urchins, from North sea in a black lacquered wood base.
Four cutted and polished Nautilus pompilius in a glass vitrine with golden lacquered wood base, designed by One of a Kind.
Supplied with certification document.
One of a Kind decor piece!
Small size specimen polished showing all the mother-of-pearl of the Nautilus pompilius, from Philippines.
Mounted in a handmade brass base, it's a unique One of a Kind decor piece.
Supplied with Cites certificate.
Glass dome with two beautiful Stellaria solaris and three Spondylus variegatus, from Philippines deep water.
White sea fan Gorgonia from Celebes Island, Moluccas.
This specimen belongs to Gorgonacea family. Like corals, gorgonians are animals living in sessile colonial polyps organized in a tree shape. Its structure is a skeleton both soft and hard, called gorgonine and they do not grow in the direction of the sun but perpendicular to the current in order to filter a maximum of waterflow.
Displayed in a dark handmade brass base, turned into an excellent decór item for sea lovers!
Giant Triton, in shell length - this is one of the biggest mollusks in the coral reef.
Great quality (F+/ F++), with beautiful pattern and colors, very hard to get in this size nowadays - from Madagascar.